They contain a wealth of information in these reports that publishers and publishers’ associations around the world can use in their work and in their interactions with local governments.

You can read them all here:

  • Publishers and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, 
  • Freedom to Publish: Challenges, Violations and Countries of Concern
  • Ambitious Literary Policies: International Perspectives
  • Reading Matters: Surveys and Campaigns – how to keep and recover readers
  • IPA Global Report on Copyright & Publishing
  • Paper and Digital: Current Research into the Effectiveness of Learning Materials
  • Licensing Practices in a Global Digital Market

 You can watch the launch  here:

These reports were all (with the exception of report 7) commissioned specifically for the International Publishers Congress that should have been held in Lillehammer, Norway in May 2020 before the COVID-19 Pandemic forced its cancellation.


Kristenn Einarsson, Chair of the IPA’s Freedom to Publish Committee: We are delighted to be publishing The State of Publishing reports in Frankfurt. There is such a wealth of information in these reports that publishers and publishers’ associations around the world can use in their work and in their interactions with local governments.


Hugo Setzer, IPA President: It really is a testament to the work of the Norwegian Publishers Associations to have commissioned and developed these extremely valuable reports. We are looking forward to presenting them to our members and building on these strong foundations for future work.


Michiel Kolman,IPA Special Envoy for Diversity and Inclusion: IPA’s SDG Report is a great example of how publishers can contribute towards the goals. It has lots of inspiration and best practices from across our industry. The report shows that all publishers can contribute, whether they’re small and can contribute a small amount, or if they are large and can contribute more significantly.


From the report, I see there are three broad areas of contribution. The first one is around content and what we publish. Secondly, it is about equal opportunity for everybody and the power of diversity and inclusion. Thirdly, it is about collectively building a smarter generation with a focus on quality education and the role of educational publishing.


Additional background to the reports


Two reports (IPA Global Report on Copyright & Publishing, and Licensing Practices in a Global Digital Market) were also prepared with financial support from Norwegian RRO, Kopinor, for which IPA is extremely grateful.

Most of the reports were authored by Åsfrid Hegdal at the Norwegian Publishers Association, with the exception of report 3 (Norwegian academics Helge Rønning and Tore Slaatta – also authors of The Tools of Literary Politics), and reports 5 and 7 (attributed to IPA, multiple contributors).