Kiarie Kamau, President of the Kenyan Publishers Association, chaired the first IPA copyright regional meeting in Africa, gathering publishers’ associations to discuss challenges, opportunities, and priorities for the sustainable development of African publishing industries in several African countries. APNET, the regional voice of publishers in Africa, was also invited to give an overview of its work to support copyright & publishing.  

IPA’s past President Ana Maria Cabanellas, renowned publisher from Argentina, and Dante Cid, President of Brazil’s Sindicato Nacional dos Editores e Livreiros, chaired the first IPA regional meeting in Latin America. Members discussed the industry’s state of play, identifying key copyright related issues for further discussion at national and regional levels.

We would like to thank our members for their stewardship and participation.

The date of the next IPA copyright regional meeting will be announced soon, gathering IPA’s Arab speaking members around the table to foster dialogue and collaboration, in a meeting chaired by the Emirates Publishers Association.

IPA intends to continue holding copyright regional meetings on a regular basis and to organize dedicated copyright discussions in new regions, to strengthen IPA’s copyright community. Members interested in these dialogues are welcome to signal your interest to the Secretariat. 

IPA’s Copyright Committee will continue to meet twice a year online and will meet in person at Frankfurt Book Fair on October 20 at 9 am. You can check IPA’s program in Frankfurt here