Among the top publishing markets, the US (+13.6%), Italy (+12.2%), Japan (+7.5%), the UK (+5.1%) and Germany (+3.5%) registered considerable revenue growth.  Trade sector revenue accounted for more than half of total revenue for most major markets, with educational sector revenue playing outsized roles in Brazil (61.4%), the Netherlands (63.4%) and Mexico (75.1%).

The trend towards digitization continued.  Where comparable data are available, they suggest an increase in the share of revenue due to digital/audio formats – increasing, for example, by around five percentage points for Finland and Japan.  At the same time, the share of online sales – amounting to more than 50% in the UK – seems to have stagnated, after a strong increase upon the onset of the pandemic in 2020.

Along with an increase in industry revenue, most countries also reported an increase in the number of titles published, with France (+12.5%), Brazil (+10%), Italy (+7.3%) and Türkiye (+6.9%) recording among the fastest growth.

You can read the full report here


The annual survey of the publishing industry is a collaboration between the World Intellectual Property Organization and the International Publishers Association (IPA), implemented in partnership with the Federation of European Publishers (FEP) and the Centro Regional para el Fomento del Libro en América Latina y el Caribe (CERLALC).

* More complete survey results will be available in WIPO’s forthcoming World Intellectual Property Indicators 2022 report.